Rape is the fourth most common crime against women all over the world. Rape is a very serious crime and is when someone is made to have sex when they didn’t want to.

Rape and sexual assault can happen to men as well.
The available literature does not, however, give us any information on why rapists apparently strike so often in the first few weeks of college, even though that one bit of information is the most crucial for us to know to how combat rape culture.

Women are always seen as the gatekeepers of sex. They are responsible for what happens and what doesn't happen. They can say yes (but if they do, they're sluts) and they can say no. But even in cases of rape, where clearly the person being attacked has already said no, we blame them for asking for it, for not taking the proper precautions, for walking at night in skirts, for drinking anything they haven't brewed themselves, for trusting anyone. This culture of constantly being suspicious of everyone you meet is not a healthy way for anyone to live their life, therefore, with the current rape culture, encouraging such an attitude might be a way out.

Arewa Youth Trust Foundation is standing firm to work with the populace and combat the issues of rape among others. The organization gives the very clear message that victims are not to blame. The existence of this organization is very important due to the under-reported nature of sexual assault and the vague definitions of rape that can often leave victims afraid to report the crimes committed against them.

Sexual assault is when:

A person is penetrated without their consent.
Someone is touched in a sexual way that makes him or her feel uncomfortable or frightened (this could be through their clothes or directly)
Someone is made to sexually stimulate themselves using their hands or fingers or put objects into their private places when they don’t want to do it.

Consent means giving permission for something to happen or agreeing to do something and being comfortable with that decision. It doesn’t matter what gender you are, or whether you’re straight, gay or bisexual, if you’re planning to do anything sexual then both of you must give consent.

Consent has to be given freely and no one can be made to consent to something. It’s not consent if someone does something because they feel like they have to. You can also never assume that someone is giving consent – you have to be sure.

Being pressurised or forced to have sex when you don’t want to is not consent and is a crime.

Say No to Rape, Join Arewa Youth Trust Foundation to fight against Rape!
Rape is a Serious Criminal Offense, avoid it.
